Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to express how much fun Job a Rama was this year! It was a great weekend! I started off by attending the Grand Bethel overnight at Hiram Lodge in Delaware, Ohio with the girls getting ready for School of Instruction. Friday we held practice and went swimming. We had a good splashing and dunking battle going strong until we had to leave the pool due to thunder. We declared the battle to continue Saturday at Job a Rama!

On Saturday the girls were put into teams to play games which was part of the School of Instruction. In one game the girls had to match the name and title of some of the Grand Offices. (I do believe we need to have Mr. Hampton put a sign on his back saying "Grand Treasurer".) Another game, they had cards for each bethel officer and they had to place them in the closing cross formation, plus many more games. We had quite a few Jobie to Bee's there who really enjoyed these games. Everyone had a great time!

Then the water battle was on! It took 15 girls to dunk Mr. Anderson but they finally got him! It was a site to see!!!

Later we had a talent show and the girls did a terrific job, even getting the adults involved. These girls have great imaginations! A fun time was had by everyone.

Thank you Mrs. Oyster and crew for a terrific weekend!

Linda Davies, Grand Guide

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer fun

Hi everyone,
I hope all of you have had a great summer so far. Our next event is Job-A-Rama very shortly.
On Aug.19 -21 at the Greenwood Lakes camp in Delaware. There will be tons of fun and Yes, swimming, for all to enjoy. Hope to see all of you there.

Mr. Eisleben
Your Associate Grand Guardian

Sunday, August 7, 2011

14th District Masonic Picnic

What a fun time we had today! Girls from Bethel #28, 69 & 45 and some DeMolay spent the day with their families at the 14th District Masonic Picnic at Highbanks Park! The girls were asked to be in charge of the activities for the small children that would be attending. We had face painting, fishing, sand art and several little girls became princesses for the day by decorating their own crowns! It was so much fun watching them put their crowns on with their play jewelry we gave them. I could see several future "Jobies" coming up.

I would like to thank the Prince family for all the hard work painting faces, especially Mr. Prince who was able to paint a bunny rabbit on my face for me! Anyone ever needing help with face painting, give them a call!

We also had some clowns (thanks to Mrs. Craven's group) that made balloon animals for the children. Lots of food, desserts and even "snow cones" and great company!

Good job girls!!!!!!

Mrs. Davies, BG #45
Grand Guide

Monday, August 1, 2011

We're Back from Supreme Session!

Hello Ohio!

We just got back from Supreme Session in St. Louis, Missouri.  The Ohio delegation had over 30 people representing us throughout the week.  Our daughters performed beautifully in everything they did and had a lot of fun.  Even the adults had a little fun along the way.

We started out the week with a long drive, but were graciously greeted by our Grand Librarian, Katheryn Neudecker and her family and friends.  They hosted our Ohio dinner at St. Trinity Lutheran church with a great meal and a presentation about the host city.

Tuesday was competition and practice day.  All of our daughters competed in individual ritual competitions as well as the Messenger Team competition.  Elizabeth began activities in the MIJD competition.  Several daughters participated in practices for the Formal Opening.  We had a second state gathering at the Hard Rock Cafe at the historic Union Station and later attended the HIKE dance.

Wednesday began a long week of meetings and deliberations for the daughters and adults.  The daughters attended Jobie Congress where they witnessed and were able to comment on the proposed changes to the Ritual.  We attended the Royalty Lunch where we were able to meet and interact with Honored Queens and Princesses from all over the world.  The adults attended the Supreme Guardian Council meeting and began the long process of making changes to the Ritual.  By the end of the week many thoughtful discussions were held and I believe the daughters will be happy with the majority of the changes made for their benefit.
We attended the formal banquet and the Formal Opening.  Our OMJD, Elizabeth, escorted the Ohio Flag and Angela L from Bethel #69 escorted the flag of Motto Grosso, Brazil as Supreme Bethel Marshal Jessica H. narrated.  Our GBHQ Ashley, OMC Celeste and Alexis L SP #45 participated in the Royalty formation and cross to close the ceremony.  Elizabeth and Destiny W (not present) from #49 were recognized for collecting over $1000 for HIKE.  A scholarship was named in honor of Mrs. Tedrick and Mr. Terrill for creating the HIKE fund 25 years ago.

On Thursday the girls attended the Supreme Bethel Meeting where Jessica was selected as SB Marshal, Angela as SB Rep to Minas Gerais, Brazil and Alexis as SB Rep to Rio Grande du Sol, Brazil.  The new SBHQ is from Oregon.  The adults retired to the SGC meeting to continue the arduous job of revising the Ritual while the girls and chaperones went to the Spaghetti Factory and the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial (aka "The Arch").  That night we went to the Miss International Jobs Daughter Pageant.  Our OMJD Elizabeth did a wonderful job representing Ohio.  The new MIJD is from Alberta Canada.  Following the pageant we went to Ted Drewes frozen custard (a St. Louis specialty) for a late night treat and then for what the girls call "Fourth Meal" at IHOP where a lively time was had by the girls and adults.

Friday the adults got a break from the last day of ritual revisions to attend the Awards Luncheon with the girls.  Congratulations to Elizabeth, who placed third in the 2nd messenger, Jessica, who placed second in 3rd messenger and Celeste, who placed first in 4th messenger.  No matter of awards, we were all so proud of our Ohio girls.  They all did a great job and represented us so well.  Later that evening we attended the Supreme Bethel installation and coronation ball.  At midnight, after the dance, all the daughters gathered in the South Tower to sing "Nearer My God to Thee".  It was a beautiful sight to see and hear.

Saturday was a day off for most and we took advantage of that by heading to City Museum.  It is a unique art museum where the majority of the art and sculptures have been made of all types of recycled materials.  The whole building offers interactive displays, structures and caverns.  The girls had a blast climbing on, under and through the multitude of caverns and slides throughout the building.  After the museum we made a trip to Crowne Candy, another St. Louis specialty where the girls stocked up on candy and ice cream treats.  That evening we went to the SGC installation where Ohio's own Lloyd Brink from Bethel #49 was installed as Supreme Junior Custodian.  The installation was a delightful change from what we were used to.  The Supreme Guardian, Bobbie Hoglund from Maryland did a great job of making the installation more "daughter friendly".  They used popular music and kept the remarks and presentations short and it was completed in under 2 hours.  The most impressive presentation was presented by the daughters and adults of Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Delaware.  It was a Flash Mob!  A couple of girls started a choreographed dance to Bruno Mars "Just the Way You Are" as other girls and adults continued to join in.  It was a fun and touching tribute to the Supreme Guardian.  After the installation, the girls and a few adults went back to the City Museum for a flashlight tour.  The whole museum was opened back up with the lights dimmed.  We all had a fun time hunting each other down though the many caverns and slides.  Even the GG took a trip down the 10 story curvy slide from the the top of the building to the bottom!  We ended the evening or should I say "started the morning" at Steak and Shake.

I have many thanks for all of the adults who made the week so great for everyone, but a few special thank yous go out to Katheryn Neudecker for planning the sight seeing tours and trips, Kris Smith for coaching our messenger team and for chauffeuring people back and forth from our hotel to the Millenium, to Linda Davies for making sandwiches for picnic lunch on the way to St. Louis and for also chauffeuring people back and forth.  Katrina Hightower, Mr & Mrs. Selby and especially Ken Harrington were also super duper chauffeurs throughout the week.  Hopefully I didn't miss anyone, but everyone appreciated the assistance that you all provided.

That wraps up my report for now.  A few of the daughters will also be posting about their highlights of the week.  Job-a-Rama is just around the corner, I know Mrs. Oyster has a lot of fun things planned for all.  I'm looking forward to seeing you all there!

See ya Soon!